Blossom in knowing that…

You are valuable.
You are unique.
You are chosen.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made… Psalm 139:14

Including black women in the narrative of self-love, we serve to provide…

Content for black women on mental health, self-care, empowerment and physical and spiritual wellness from a Christ-centered perspective.

Being strong is awesome. Being vulnerable is also awesome.

“Self-care for women is so needed among the black community. We’re taught to love others and focus on the general well-being of those around us, but we are not taught how to love and appreciate ourselves. Our gifts. Our light. When you learn to self-love, you can give even more love to the world.”

~ Quelly

Because mental health is a taboo subject in the African-American community, Black people are less likely than other groups to even acknowledge it as a serious problem.

Tools & Resources to help you

Black women are among the most under-treated groups for depression in the nation, which can have serious consequences for the African-American community.

books, book, reading
people, woman, cute

Informational and uplifting content focused around…

Faith & Biblical Studies

Encouragement from the Word of God and honest discussions not commonly discussed in Christian culture.

Mental & Emotional Wellness

Topics focused on depression, anxiety and mental health stigma, along with information on how to stay emotionally healthy.


Embracing your femininity! Tips on how to grow your self-esteem and be confident as a black woman. Learn biblical tools on how to grow as a Proverbs 31 woman!


Physical exercise and tips on eating healthy and self-care tips to keep you looking good and feeling good!


Natural hair care tips and ways to grow your hair long and strong.


How to live for Christ in today’s environment. Learn tips on how to have godly relationships with friends and family. Find tools on managing your home and finances and get great tips on chic and classy fashionable outfits!

Prayer & Spiritual Warfare

God cares about you!

Please contact us if you need prayer!

Remember Psalm 139: 13-14:

For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.

Prayer is very critical for spiritual wellness. Please click the link below for spiritual warfare prayers to help in you time of need.

The Blog


Grow in your relationship with Christ

Mental & Emotional Health

Tools and resources on how to stay afloat


Loving support in your life journey


Ways to look out for you!


Topics such as fashion, finances, health and relationships

Natural Hair

How to grow, manage and love your mane! Also, great hair tips and styles

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“We’re learning how to dance in the rain, because it is really a sun shower.”
