holiday, travel, vacation

20+ Things To Do In August 2021 Before Summer Ends

Summer 2021 is over.

Well, not quite (Thank God!). When the month of August comes it feels like summer is over and it is now time to think about school or work or whatever is not fun. Do you get that feeling too?

Summer is not over until it’s over!

I’ve been so excited about summer 2021 because summer 2020 was a bust. And although I am still excited about the second half of the summer, I must admit that I haven’t done much at all.

But it’s been for good enough reasons, mostly surrounding my future plans and working towards them. I’ve been getting some things done and getting other events in place for the end of the year. The most I’ve done was go to the beach, go hiking and just chill out…but not nearly as much as I want to do.

Coronavirus just won’t go away…

Another part of this has to do with coronavirus and the looming pandemic. Even though I thought the pandemic might have been on its way out by this time, it’s still lingering on. The new variants (mainly delta) are really unnerving the world, so much so we may have more lockdowns. But I don’t want to get into the details of the virus or the vaccination, only that the presence of this virus is hindering many and causing numerous people to “flee to the hills.”

I am not letting all of this get me down! Precaution and stealth are key. Moving in silence will help you get through the rest of this summer (unless we enter the apocalypse, or Marshal Law, etc.). Not everyone needs to know what you are doing and not everyone needs to be invited to the party. Just saying…

Luckily, there may be a few things you can do and enjoy before the world ends and/or before summer 2021 is gone. There are some indoor and outdoor activity you can participate in, and there is still time to enjoy yourself.

“So much time and so little to do! Strike that, reverse it.” – The Grinch, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

watercolour, summer, slippers

22 Things To Do Before The Summer 2021 Ends


Summer grilling – Have random BBQs

There’s nothing quite better than barbeque, potato salad and corn on a cob with some good people and great conversation. Summer is the best time to have a small gathering for no reason at all. Just call a few friends or family, ask everyone to bring a dish and grill. It’s an easy thing to do and pretty cost effective if everyone brings something with them. Also, everyone can take turns hosting at each other houses.

Summer photoshoot – Get dressed in your summer best!

It’s always a good time for us ladies when we get to dress up and look cute. Create a theme, share it on your social media (or not) and invite friend and family to participate. You can create a makeshift backdrop, or simply order a cute festive backdrop and stand for cheap on Amazon. Here’s an option that I chose recently that you might like.

You can set the backdrop anywhere, even at the park. This can be a staple end-of-summer favorite that you share for years to come.

Summer hair! – Try heatless styles and embrace your curls

As many naturals already know, heat and humidity are the devil when it comes to natural hair. It’s the worst when you have a nice, pressed style only to have it only last a day or two due to humidity. If I’m going to have potential heat damage, I need it to last a least a week!

Why not just wear your natural hair, naturally? This is something I have had to think about, since I always put my hair in a crochet style or wear a style that includes weave.  My hair is currently out of my latest crochet style and it’s… under a wig… BUT! I am planning to give myself a trim and then rock my wash and go. Other heatless styles for summer include, using curl formers, or a roller set (no heat), doing twist – or braid-outs and things like mini-twists (no hair added).

Embrace your curls, the hair God gave you on your head! Your hair is beautiful, no matter what anyone else has to say about it.

Staycation – Have you done it yet?

Even if it is a trip to the next neighborhood or planning events in and around your county for a week, book a hotel (a nice one since you are staying close by) and enjoy the amenities. Your staycation doesn’t have to be extravagant. You can book a week of activities for the family. Get creative!

swimming pool, pool, tiles

Pool time!

I went to the pool for the first time (in the summer) this past week. I used to live for the pool when I was younger; the community pool was near my house, it was cheap and everyone in town was there. I took my niece and my nephew with me last week, and they had a great time. Of course, my little niece made friends with everyone there and didn’t want to leave (until I offered her pizza). The pool staff were playing the old school jams that had me doing the MC hammer dance in the water. (If there is anything we know how to do, it’s how to party!)

Take a trip to your local pool or go to someone’s house who has a pool. (Ask first, okay? I have an uncle who has a pool, but that doesn’t mean I call him whenever I want to go for a swim.) If you’re concerned at all about the virus, go to the pool at a time when most people will not be there and keep a healthy distance apart from those you do not know.

Outdoor movie night

I had planned to see an outdoor movie in Philly, but there was a tornado watch the day of! I suppose not everything is meant to be. But outdoor movies happen often. Just Google outdoor movies in your area. If you live in the Burbs, you might have to travel, or your local recreation center may sponsor a free outdoor gathering. Just Google it. Google is your friend.


Yes, spend a weekend outdoors in the middle of nowhere just because…

Camping is a fun experience if you have the right people with you. Naturally, you need to be prepared to stay outdoors but you also need to be prepared for the mental and emotional parts of it as well. Sleeping in the woods, even if it is in guarded territory, can be scary. And for that reason, I’ve never done it! (Yes, I have fears too!) But there is a camping event at the end of August that I’m planning to participate in. Say a prayer for me…


Attending festivals is a great way to meet people. Music festivals seem to be the best… and food festivals of course. When you have good music (I mean really good music) the rest is history. Music can help set the mood and bring everyone together – for at least a moment. Music has healing power, but only the right kind of music. For more on this, see my article Music Therapy: How It Can Be Good Or Evil, and 10 Way Just Listening to Music Can Benefit You.

Road Trip!

Just pack up and go! Make a few stops along the way, visit family and come back to your humble abode. Journey across a few states or go across the country. Just make sure if you have children that they have something to do in between destinations, or you might drive yourself insane.

Summer Fridays

Since the summer is winding up, the sunset time is creeping back up and the weather is getting a bit cooler. This is a great time to plan something to do every Friday. This is completely up to you. You can do this alone or with others. A Friday event could be simply jumping on a group voice chat and discussing your day amongst your friends and/or family. Another could be you alone hiking in a nearby park.

Count down the last of the summer Fridays because Labor Day (the official end of summer) is a-coming!

Karaoke nights

How fun is it sing old songs and listen to others do the same? Karaoke is a great way to show people your skills if you have them, or a good way to get embarrassed. Either way, you are sure to laugh and enjoy yourself.


I’ve been on several hikes this summer and a few more are planned. There are hiking tours and even night tours in some areas so check out your local events log or events on and see who is hiking in your area.

Blanket gatherings

…or, picnics, can be a cheap… and it’s a reason to be outside. Today is beautiful where I am. It’s not super-hot and most people would feel comfortable staying outside for a while. It would be a perfect day for a blanket gathering! (I choose not to use the word “picnic” for its historical roots.) Your gathering could be romantic or friendly, cheap or bougie. Just plan it and do it.

Visit your local library                                                                                                       

Do you know how many FREE things go on at the library? It’s one of the most underused places in our community for its events and art. In my area, the library has a gallery in which local artist showcase their art. When it’s time for a showing, the library posts it on its calendar. The library also has free passes to some venues for all ages, discounts to some local attractions and it also hosts authors to come in and promote their books. There are also arts and crafts sessions for the children and free lunches for school-aged children in need. Go visit your local library or visit their website to find out what you’re missing out on.

flower, sauna, wellness

Spa nights

Every girl needs a special spa night. It doesn’t have to be every week or even every month, but it needs to happen. (This is different than routine, womanly maintenance.)

This is a part of womanhood that black women are not taught. Spa nights help a woman to feel cared for, even if she is the one who is doing the spa treatment for herself. Spa nights can be done from home or at a local venue. It can also be a solo night or a night of fun with the girls (which is always better!). Book at night at a spa or create the environment at home. Do facial steams and masks, pedicures, manicures, soak in the tub… do whatever you feel you need to do for you to feel rejuvenated. Stretch, get a massage, drink champagne (does not have to be alcoholic) and pamper yourself!

Visit a theme park

Theme parks are my favs! I am planning a trip with my two sisters to visit a theme park next Friday. For many people, theme parks can be scary, mostly due to the crazy rides, but I live for that kind of stuff. Go visit a theme park and stop being a scaredy cat. (If I can conquer camping, you can conquer theme park rides!)

Start a garden

This is something that I have wanted to do for a while now. My sister has grown vegetables in her garden and included them in her dishes. She now is growing more varieties of vegetables, and I can’t wait to taste them. It takes a lot of work to grow a garden, but the trade off is well worth it.

Just think about waking up and wanting to bake an apple pie, but you realize you don’t have any apples. But you realize you have apples in your garden. So, you go out back, grab some apples and start prepping your dish. Does this sound a little old fashion?

Given today’s food market, this is looking more like a modern thing we should all be doing. There are many reports about foot shortages and people getting shut out of places due to covid-19. What better way to buffer against this craziness then to grow your own food?

If you are looking to start gardening, I’m sure there are many of books you can purchase. Both of my sisters started on “YouTube University,” and one swears by Facebook groups for all her weird questions. They’re both free options. Just get started today!

tropical fish, aquarium, saltwater

Go to the aquarium

If you have children, this is a great option for you. If you don’t have children, don’t fret, I’ve been to the aquarium by my lonesome and had a great time. It’s a great place to learn about Nemo, Dory and all their friends. There are so many animals that we would never know about unless we took trips to these kinds of places and learn about them. It’s a great place to be indoors if you don’t like the outdoors in the summertime.

Go to a museum

The museum is also one of the most overlooked places for people on their travel destinations. Museums are usually free or have a small fee; take time to learn about history and experience something new. Research different museums in your area and schedule a tour or just spend a few hours experiencing the site at your leisure.

Go to a cooking class

Yes, covid-19 is putting a damper on events such as these, but there are still some cooking classes going on. The classes are usually sponsored at your local cooking schools or colleges that have cooking arts as a major field of study. Research a few in your area (or you might have to drive to get to a good location) and get to cooking!

board, money, earn


Summer is full of fun, but what is equally as fun is making money and supporting struggling venues.

Learn a new side hustle – Take some time out to search ways to make some extra money. His & Her Money as well as our friends over at Our Rich Journey both have playlists on popular and creative side hustles for you to think about pursuing. Take a look at their playlists today!

Support black-owned businesses – there’s no time like the present to support black-owned businesses. From candle shops to hair care, from brick-and-mortar to shops on Etsy, there are businesses all around us that need our support. If you don’t happen to have any in your area, start out with my list of black-owned businesses in my article, 42 Black-Owned Stores To Shop For Unique Holiday Gifts.

Here’s to a great rest of your summer 2021!


champagne glasses, champagne, champagne glass