Natural Hair

Natural hair care really shouldn’t even be a thing…

But it is, we won’t go into “why” it is, because it goes into what I would call America’s “dirty little secret,” of social norms and even laws from “way back when” that were used to belittle and suppress hair like mine.

I’ve learned to love my hair. But why did I not love it to begin with? That’s a question many black girls ask themselves, many realizing that they still do not love their “natural” hair.

But I want to showcase “natural hair” in all its glory. It’s a crown for goodness sake.

See here for articles on how to care for, nurture and wear your crown in all its glory.

Natural Hair Care Update: Products And People That Have Helped Me To Grow My Hair!

What a journey I’ve been on with my natural hair! I’ve been natural since 2011, and through the years I’ve had my ups and downs. When I first started growing my hair, I wore wigs…for five years straight! (I was in college girl; I just could not deal.) After five years, I started to notice …

Natural Hair Care Update: Products And People That Have Helped Me To Grow My Hair! Read More »